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Belinda's Dream Rose: 1 year vs 3 year

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

This rose review is brought to you by our two amazing rose friends who kindly share their expereinces growing Belinda's Dream rose. Belinda's Dream is known to be an earthkind rose which is a good one for beginner as it's low maintenance.

According to Texas A & M: Bred in Texas to withstand hot temperatures, it does well in temperate climates as well. It may have some blackspot in cool, damp weather, but its vigor and blooming will not be affected by the disease. Light pruning improves appearance and blooming frequency.

1 year old

Let's take a look at how it does in its 1st year according to April Shockley

How long have you had this rose?

Got her in 2021, 1 year old

What part of Houston?

The Woodlands

How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in the pot, what's its width/depth?

Pot, about 11 x 11

How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?

4-6 hours of full sun

If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?

Conserve, only once

How is its disease and pest resistance?

It’s fared well compared to other roses nearby. Minimal black spot. I’ve had trouble with chili thrips, but this rose has been relatively resistant, but especially for such a young rose. I saw some very early evidence of chili thrip damage on her once, but I snipped it off, sprayed with conserve and she has been fine since then.

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?

Flowers last about 4 days. Her scent is my favorite thing about this one. It’s not as powerful as some of my other roses, but she smells like fruit punch. I do wish it were more powerful, because it is SO good.

Below average thorns.

Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?:

Her blooms cycle regularly during the summer. Not as prolific as her neighbors, Julia Child and Double Delight, but a dependable cycle, nonetheless.

3 years old

Now, let's take a look at how a 3 year old Belinda's Dream performs. Let's hear fromTanya Mobley.

What year did you plant it?

3 years ago

What part of Houston?


How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in the pot, what's its width/depth?


How much sun does it normally get on average?

It gets partial sun as there is a huge magnolia tree in front of it.

If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?

No spray garden

How is its disease and pest resistance?

The best. Very little black spot.

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?

Flowers last a few days. Has a scent at first but fades after first or second day. Average amount of thorns.

*Ownroot or grafted: I didn't include the in my 1st round of interview.

Information and photos kindly provided by

April Shockley and Tanya Mobley


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