This post of Distant Drums rose has been updated as of July 2024 (you'll see new photos towards the end). If you're looking for a rose with unique ombre and ethereal efftcs, Distant Drums rose is that one stunning rose to consider.
Distant Drums rose is gorgeous in every stage of its bud to bloom cycle. Its color is hard to describe, but a blend of reddish pink on the outer petals to ligther/mauve pink, light tan on the inside. This rose almost glows! Let's see how it performs here in my garden in Houston, Texas zone 9a where it's very hot and humid as I live about 40 mins away from the coast.

It took me awhile to get this rose, largely due to its bad reputation about blackspots. As I don't spray my roses, I gravitate towards more disease resistant varieties for easy care.
However, Distant Drums unique beauty always stayed on my mind. Until one day in spring 2021, I went to a local nursery and spotted Distant Drums rose. Out of all the roses, its unique color stood out. As soon as I saw it in real life, I immediately added this beauty to my cart without hesitation!

What part of Houston?
League City
How long have you had this rose? What year? Its age?
Purchased in spring 2021
Grafted or ownroot?
Grafted (don't know which rootstock, probably Dr. Huey)
How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground?
In ground
How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?
All day, full sun. It used to have some dapple shade but no more in 2023. My backyard area is south-facing. This area gets 12 hours during summer.
If insecticide/fungicide/systematic are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?
I don't use any.
How is its disease and pest resistance?
Its main disease is blackspots. After having this rose for over 2 years, it has improved significantly. I used to rate it 5 out of 10 on its blackspot resistance.
In spring, this rose is almost blackspot-free, but it starts developing blackspots in summer. Aphids seem to love it in spring as well, but it can be easily taken care of by hosing with water or removing by hands.
Chilli thrips don't seem to have much impacts on Distant Drums rose.
How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?
Flowers last about 4-5 days in spring. Medium to strong fragrance. Quite thorny!
Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?
In springtime, it blooms abundantly and continues to bloom in big flush until early summer.
In summer months, it blooms here and there. Petal counts are super low as well as bloom size. Distant Drums color fades to light/pale pink at its last bloom stage.

In 2023 by the end of September, after our long and high heat of summer, it started putting on about 30+ buds. Then in October, it started blooming its head off. Bloom size is smaller, but the colors were absolutley rich/deep and stunning.
Above photos are all from fall 2023

Growth habit
It's a really compacted rose and has a neat grow habit, not throwing long canes in every direction. Upright and stays around 2-3 feet wide x about 3 feet tall.

If you're new to roses and would like tips and support, check out Blooming with Joy and join me in caring for your roses for healthy roses that will keep on giving
See Distant Drums in a video format below