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Caldwell Pink Rose in Leander, TX 2022

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

This Caldwell Pink rose is grown in Leader, TX (near Austin). This romantic, prolific, and beautiful pink beauty is brought to you by Karen K. - our rose friend near Austin, Texas.

How long have you had this rose?

7 years

Ownroot or grafted?


What part of Houston?

Not in Houston. Leander ,TX

How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in the pot, what's its width/depth?


How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?

All day sun. Faces west. Gets the brutal afternoon sun.

If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?


How is its disease and pest resistance?:

Very disease resistant. No black spot , thrips , mites

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?:

Subtle fragrance.

Blooms last 4-5 days.

Thorns are average.

Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?

Blooms continuously. Blooms are in clusters about 2” wide. But over 100 blooms at a time. First to bloom in March and stops blooming in November.

What is its current size?

4’x4’ (after trimming back in Feb)

It’s a found rose in Caldwell, Tx. It thrives here and easier than a knockout. I hardly fertilize , water and dogs pee on it and nothing fazes it

Information and photos kindly provided by

Karen K.

Interested in other roses? We have more on the blog for you . Also check out Roses In Houston YouTube channel.

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