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April Love Rose Review 2023

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Updated June 2023: I'm updating and adding more photos of my April Love rose. This rose will be 3 years by end of this year.

april love rose, april love, john clement rose, heirloom roses, pink rose, english rose

A little bit about April Love rose: Back in 2020 when my rose obsession started, I began buying different rose varieties from different breeders in order to diversity the types of roses in my garden. While I was head over heel the look of David Austin roses

Never thought I would be able to grow and admire the beauty of a romantic looking rose like April Love in this Houston, Texas weather (9a zone)....given my location 30-40 mins from Galveston (talking about humidity).

New photos as of April 2022

Purchased this rose in 2020 (my rose hobby began during pandemic) from Heirloom Roses so this rose has been in my garden for about 2 years now.

April Love's growth habit: Heirloom lists its approximate size as 4'-5' x 4'-5'. However, its height must be over 8 ft or taller now in my garden! Upon arrival, I kept it in a pot for several months since it was too hot. Had to wait for weather to cool down. I picked a corner spot in my south facing backyard. This spot gets morning and afternoon sun until about 3pm.

After plating in the ground, it had a basal break and shot up really tall so I tried to bend it along the brick to train as a climber and it responded well as it sent out multiple lateral shoots.

I had no idea it would get this tall. it's upright, not leggy which is good (see a video below). Its canes are not too stiff either.

April Love's disease resistance: I do not spray (wait what?!? more on that later) so I give this rose 8 out of 10 for blackspot resistance (blackspot impacts about 10-20% of its entire plant).

If you aren't familiar with Houston. Blackspot pressure (along with pest and other disease) is very high in our hot and humid weather. It doesn't appear to have any other disease other than blackspots. Some signs of pest damages but manageable with consistent monitoring and removal.

April Love's Heat Tolerance: it doesn't appear to show sign of heat stress as some roses in my garden.

Foliages stay green and happy (leaf cutter bees love it too). What's more impressive is that heat doesn't impact its petal count like it does to other roses.

Packed with many, many petals even during the hottest, brutal Texas heat.

April Love's Flowers & Thorns: Since it's an own root, it did take several months to get going and produce flowers. It took about 8 months to see its 1st bloom.

Its buds start out very bright pink and become a bit lighter as they open up (but never fade to white even in the heat). It continues to flowers from Spring up to this point in August which is one of the HOTTEST months in Houston, TX.

Flowers last about 2-3 days on the bush and in the vase.

Fragrace is very strong. I can't really explain. It almost smells like a combination of myrrh+candy, not fruity.

It's a very thorny rose. Wow look, what a thorny breast!

As of 2022, the above information still stay very true. This is the rose that will continue to bloom well in heat and still have that flully/full flowers (I highly recommend to cut and bring inside to enjoy rather than leaving them for the heat to destroy).

If you like DA rose, this is a great alternative for high heat area. While my DAs look so sad and have low petal counts, this Clement rose is a rock star and will continue to produce gorgeous flowers.

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