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Madame Alfred Carriere Rose

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

This rose info was brought to you by our rose friend Ruchi Mohan.

Photo by Ruchi Mohan

How long have you had this rose?

Got it in October 2020 from Antique Rose Emporium

What part of Houston?


How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in the pot, what's its width/depth?

It is planted in the ground, attached to a trellis near a fence.

How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?

It gets about 8 hours of full sun, all day.

If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?

I applied Bio Advanced all-in-one Rose and flower care once last year.

How is its disease and pest resistance?

I did see some yellow leaves. I just trimmed them. Haven’t noticed any black spots yet.

Photos by Ruchi Mohan

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?

Blooms are large, double and quite fragrant. They are very pale pink in color when they open, and gradually turn white and last about 2-3 days.

The fragrance is medium, sweet and fruity.

The canes are almost thornless and can be easily bent to train over a trellis or fence.

Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?

It has bloomed pretty much all year for me, since I bought it. It is a very fast growing climber

Information and photos kindly provided by

Ruchi Mohan


Are you new to roses or want to know my tips on how I care for my roses all year round to get abundant blooms? Check out Blooming with Joy monthly subscription here.

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