This post is brought to you by Bickybell, our rose friend over at our Growing Roses in Houston Texas Facebook group just for red rose fans. Florentina climbing by Kordes is a gorgeous red climbing rose that produces cupped shape flowers on a strong and vigorious plant. Bickybell shared with us how Florentina climbing rose has performed in her home garden.

How long have you had Florentina climbling rose?
May 20, 2020 purchased at Lowes
Ownroot or grafted?
What part of Houston?
Pearland, Texas
How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in the pot, what's its width/depth?
Year one in a pot size 19-in W X 18.75 in H
How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?
Year one was in shade with afternoon sun only and in a pot. Year 2 I moved to ground full sun from morning and all day.
If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?
None, no spray garden
How is its disease and pest resistance?
Disease resistant rarely have to do any maintenance other than removing black spots occasionally and especially at the bottom to help with air flow.

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?
Flowers last for at least 2 weeks. None to very light tea fragrance. Yes crazy thorns. Buy long gloves to help with pruning and cleaning.
Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?
Yes a frequent rebloomer about 3-4 weeks after first each flush. Even with the brutal rain, the rose remain on the shrub.
What is its current size?
About 5 feet tall
Love red rose with strong fragrant? Check out Mundstead Wood by David Austin. Our rose friend shared info on her 4 year old Munstead Wood.
Information and photos kindly provided by
Roses & Jardin by Bickybell
Follow her IG at RosesNJardin
Disclaimer: information shared on this website and blog comes from our FB members. We are not rose experts, we are people like you who love roses and enjoy growing them at home.
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